Investing with impact

We combine returns with impact

Looking for the best return, in a way that is as sustainable as possible. That is your goal as an investment portfolio manager at APG, at every level. We invest for our pension fund clients in almost all public and private asset classes. National and international, such as Equities, Fixed Income, Credits, Infrastructure, Real estate and Private equity. The size of the investment portfolio makes a lot possible..



Responsible Investments

We willen bijdragen aan een leefbare toekomst voor huidige en toekomstige generaties. Bij het nemen van beleggingsbeslissingen kijken we naast het beoordelen van financieel rendement en risico, naar de manier waarop bedrijven omgaan met mens, milieu en maatschappij. Bij elke investering die we doen, kijken naar naar de ESG factoren: Environmental, Social en Governance. Met onze investeringen proberen we  een bijdrage te leveren aan het beperken van biodiversiteitverlies en klimaatverandering en mensenrechten te verbeteren. Dat doen we door in gesprek te gaan met de bedrijven waarin we investeren over hun prestaties op het gebied van duurzaamheid en corporate governance. Ook maken we actief gebruik van ons stemrecht als aandeelhouder en zoeken we de markt af naar investeringen die voldoen aan de Sustainable Development Goals.


Shahzad Memon, Portfolio manager Responsible Investments, Fixed Income


"We have many different asset classes, both private and public. For example, bonds, shares, private debt, private equity and infrastructure. Within those asset classes, teams assess the return and financial risks. I assess the ESG opportunities and risks. What is the broader impact of investments? Do investments, in addition to a good return, also contribute positively to the climate and society?


Responsibility and complexity. Those two aspects make me appreciate my work very much. Even though I have been working at APG for two years now, I still have a lot to learn about the entire operation of the organization. Regulation, market developments. Change happens so quickly. Especially when it comes to impact investing. Partly due to the speed of change, I have also grown personally in two years. As a human being I need a clear purpose. APG has a clear vision on responsible investments, which is in line with my values. And we are increasingly able to express the impact in figures. From macro to micro."