Investments & Asset management at one of the largest pension investors in the world

We invest on a large scale


APG is one of the largest pension investors in the world. We invest on a large scale. We manage more than 500 billion as responsibly as possible. Our motivation? Achieving a good investment return for our clients in a manner that is as sustainable as possible. So that we can contribute to a good and affordable pension. For current and future generations.


We do this with 700 highly trained investment professionals. From ALM professionals who map out the investment objectives and strategy, finance and accounting professionals who bring together the reporting lines, fiduciary managers who put together the investment portfolios. From portfolio managers who ensure the best investment results to our colleagues who have full control over investment administration.


Investing with impact

Our size and global presence give us a lot of power to really make sustainable investing work. To really have an impact. We can set requirements and enforce sustainability criteria where necessary. We look at risk and return in all investments. But also the impact of the investment on people and the climate.


Digital asset management

We are in the middle of the digital transformation of our asset management, so that the billions of pension money we manage can be invested even more efficiently and we can meet the needs of our clients even better. We embrace new technology and integrate it into our processes and way of working. Because only those who look further will get further.



The future calls for your insight

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