Background and conditions APG Referral Program

You have been referred to a vacancy at APG by an acquaintance who works at APG. On this page, you receive more background information regarding the APG Referral Program.


The email you received is part of an internal APG referral program. With this program we aim to stimulate APG colleagues to connect people they know with vacancies at APG. We believe in the power of our colleagues' network and notice that many good candidates apply through the grapevine. Together we have a huge network to unlock. 


We hope you're curious to learn more about the vacancy your connection pointed out to you. 

In case you do not appreciate further participation in the APG referral program, we respect your decision, and we give you 2 options:


  1. You do not take any action, your data will automatically be removed after 6 months
  2. You send us an email with the request to unsubscribe from the APG Referral Program. We will remove your data from our administration.

Conditions APG Referral Program